

More Resources for Structured Settlement and Settlement Planning


Structured Settlement Resources

Structured Settlements FAQ

Find answers to many of our most frequently asked questions about structured settlements and settlement planning here.

Glossary of Structured Settlement, Settlement Planning and Legal terms

The settlement industry's most comprehensive glossary of financial and legal terms, definitions, abbreviations and acronyms associated with structured settlements, periodical payments and settlement planning.

Structured Settlement Market Information, Tools and Charts

Click to learn more about the insurance companies that issue structured settlement annuities, their third party ratings, financial rates for comparison and other useful financial tools.

Links to Structured Settlements, Settlement Planning, Law and Finance Information Resources

Visit a collection of links to Internet resources on related topics in law, finance, structured settlements and settlement planning that provide more information and may help you with issues arising before and after you settle your case.

Structured Settlement Protection Acts/Statutes

Click here and you will find a list of states that have enacted structured settlement protection statutes and where to find them.

Structured Settlement Consumer Protection Links

The express purpose of this web page is to help consumers shorten their own independent research by deflecting such questions to the relevant State Insurance Department.  The laws of most states do not allow licensed insurance agents to discuss statutory protections.

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